Genres, Themes, Actors, and Directors:
- Satires and Spoofs
- Sexuality
Renowned hoaxster Alan Abel helmed this satirical pastiche about the impact of the sexual revolution, deftly mixing seemingly-real “man on the street” interviews with more obviously fictional skits. Indeed, throughout the film we’re kept on our toes about exactly how much is scripted versus authentic: his visit to a nudist colony, for instance, appears real, but how likely is it that the individuals were engaged in a game of “Simon Says” other than for the film crew’s benefit? Naturally, some sections of this film — i.e., the final “Sex Olympics” — are more amusing then others: some (i.e., the breast enhancement exercises) fall completely flat, while some (i.e., the opening skit asking a variety of individuals about the ideal penis length) are stupidly juvenile, some (i.e., the discussion about dwarfs’ sex lives) are outright offensive, and some (i.e., the topless string quartet) are randomly quirky. This flick is certainly not must-see viewing, but will be a curiosity for those who remember Abel’s cultural impact.
Note: I didn’t know about Abel before catching this film, and was intrigued to learn more about his infamous Society for Indecency to Naked Animals (SINA) movement, as well as writing his own obituary for his faked death.
Redeeming Qualities and Moments:
- Some amusing sketches interspersed throughout

Must See?
No, though it’s worth a look by those who are curious. Listed as a Cult Movie in the back of Peary’s book.
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