Genres, Themes, Actors, and Directors:
- Carnivals and Circuses
- Character Arc
- Con-Artists
- Fantasy
- George Pal Films
- John Qualen Films
- Science Fiction
- Small Town America
- Tony Randall Films
Response to Peary’s Review:
As Peary writes, Tony Randall’s brilliant performance in 7 Faces of Dr. Lao “may be the finest [ever] in a fantasy film.” Randall rivals Peter Sellers (who was originally considered for this film) and Alec Guinness in his ability to seamlessly embody multiple characters in one story.

Indeed, thanks in large part to Randall’s acting chops, Dr. Lao and his attractions — snake-headed Medusa, the ancient magician Merlin, the blind seer Apollonius, a ribald Pan, the hairy Abominable Snowman (in just a bit part), and an animated serpent — are thoroughly distinct entities, though kudos clearly belongs to those in charge of make-up and costumes as well.

Unfortunately, the plot suffers whenever Randall is off the screen, and I suspect this may be the answer to Peary’s puzzlement over why the film hasn’t garnered more of a cult following over the years. I recently read the novel upon which the film is based (The Circus of Dr. Lao by Charles Finney, originally published in 1935), and discovered that the underlying plot of the movie — about an imminent take-over of the town by greedy investors — was added on by the filmmakers, as was the romance between Barbara Eden’s single mother (simply a young, virginal teacher in the book) and John Ericson’s newspaper editor. Indeed, Finney’s unusual novel is ultimately more of a philosophical musing than a plot-driven story, and must have been somewhat difficult to translate to the screen. Nonetheless, Dr. Lao is lots of fun once you get beyond the first twenty minutes or so — and it is certainly must-see viewing for any film fanatic.
Redeeming Qualities and Moments:
- Tony Randall, of course

- Memorable and effective make-up, costumes, and sets

- Fun special effects

- Barbara Eden “loosening up” under the influence of Pan

Must See?
Yes. Tony Randall’s multiple performances are a wonder to behold.
- Noteworthy Performance(s)