Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (1939)
“Moriarty’s as curious about my movements as I am about his.”
Synopsis: |
Genres, Themes, Actors, and Directors:
Review: … made all the more interesting by the introduction of Holmes’ sociopathic “arch-enemy”, Moriarty (Zucco): … who — recognizing Holmes’ desire to alleviate boredom above all else — plays fast and furious with people’s lives by perpetuating a serial murder scheme simply to keep Holmes distracted. It’s a remarkably dastardly thematic element, and definitely adds an intriguing twist to the entire affair. Note: If you’re at all a Holmes fan, be sure to compare this film with the sixth entry in the modern British mini-series Sherlock, which features a somewhat similar storyline about Moriarty and Holmes’ ongoing “rivalry”. Redeeming Qualities and Moments: Must See? Links: |
One thought on “Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (1939)”
Not a must.
First viewing.
Rather in agreement with what’s already stated. However, based on my impression from a number of other Holmes stories, this one seems decidedly low-key. The production all-round is competent enough and the film serves to divert. Nice London atmosphere throughout (love that dry ice!). Lupino is a welcome addition here – always a strong female presence, even if she’s called on this time to be more on the submissive side.
The most impressive element here is the film’s climax – cleverly staged and shot.
This isn’t exactly edge-of-the-seat suspense, but it holds attention.