Snuff (1976)

Snuff (1976)

“I will cut your heart from your body and feed it to the dogs!”

A gang of drug-addicted serial killers pursue a beautiful actress and her household.

Genres, Themes, Actors, and Directors:

  • Serial Killers

Response to Peary’s Review:
This “wretched picture” — a muddled, incomprehensible pastiche of several awful movies — may possibly earn my vote as the worst movie ever made. As I noted in my review of Heaven’s Gate (1980), it’s a rare instance when I can’t get all the way through one of the titles listed in Peary’s book, but this was another exception. The final “snuff” scene is ridiculous (and obviously staged):

… but nonetheless sparked an urban legend which made scads of unsuspecting people want to go see this mess of a film.

Redeeming Qualities:

  • None. At all. Believe me.

Must See?
No; avoid this one at all costs.


One thought on “Snuff (1976)

  1. First (and last) attempt at viewing. I made it through just 10 minutes, then bailed from this piece of crap. I simply don’t care to subject myself to more of it.

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