Opening of Misty Beethoven, The (1976)

Opening of Misty Beethoven, The (1976)

“The Golden Rod Girl is chosen informally and spontaneously.”

Sexologist Seymour Love (Jamie Gillis) takes on a bet to turn street hooker Misty Beethoven (Constance Money) into a renowned Golden Rod Girl.

Genres, Themes, Actors, and Directors:

  • Adult Films
  • Character Arc
  • Mentors
  • Radley Metzger Films

Response to Peary’s Review:
As Peary writes, this “p****graphic Pygmalian” is a rare adult flick which “has decent photography; a consistently light, comical touch; [and] a clever script”, in addition to likable characters, interesting set designs, and decent performances. Indeed, because the acting in adult films is (as a rule) uniformly awful, Jamie Gillis’s humorous performance here — as Misty’s “mentor” — is especially welcome.

Redeeming Qualities and Moments:

  • Jamie Gillis as Seymour Love
  • Stylized sets and glamorous, international locales

Must See?
Yes. This is one of a handful of adult flicks which should be seen by all (age-appropriate) film fanatics.


  • Historically Relevant


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