Genres, Themes, Actors, and Directors:
- Class Relations
- Historical Drama
- Lee Remick Films
- Merchant-Ivory Films
- Royalty and Nobility
Merchant-Ivory’s adaptation of Henry James’ novella is an unassuming, quietly absorbing tale of class relations and romantic maneuverings in upper-class 18th century New England. Several of the characters (i.e., Woodward’s “playboy” European, Wesley Addy’s puritanical patriarch) at first come across as mere stereotypes, but they eventually foil our expectations, turning into (mostly) likeable individuals — all of whom (like the protagonists in Jane Austen’s novels) are simply attempting to find happiness and/or security within the restricted confines of their social circles. However, despite a host of fine performances (Eichhorn is particularly appealing), typically lovely Merchant-Ivory period sets and costumes, and gorgeous cinematography, the film as a whole never quite coheres as it should — largely because the motivations of certain key characters aren’t fully explained, and their various intrigues are simply not dramatic enough to make us sit up and take notice. With that said, as DVD Savant notes in his insightful review of the film, “Those able to get down to The Europeans‘ quiet, subtle level of discourse will [likely] be charmed.”
Redeeming Qualities and Moments:
- Lee Remick as the Baroness

- Lisa Eichhorn as Gertrude

- Tim Woodward as Felix

- Fine period sets and costumes

- Lush cinematography

Must See?
No, though fans of Merchant-Ivory films will certainly want to check it out, and it’s worth seeking out for one-time viewing.
One thought on “Europeans, The (1979)”
First viewing. Not must-see – and in rather full agreement with the assessment given.
Effectively produced in sufficient style but its dry, somewhat clumsy narrative is underwhelming and frustrating. James Ivory is a director who would eventually hit his stride massively and to well-earned acclaim in the period from 1985-1993. His films before and after that period – even if they have merit for one reason or another – are of lesser value.
That said, in this particular film, I was also impressed by Eichhorn, as well as Kristin Griffith as Lizzie.